Exhibition view 2016
Bul -lip mun ja, Mixed Media, 83x200cm, 2016
Bul -lip mun ja, Mixed Media, 83x200cm, 2016
Bul -lip mun ja, Mixed Media, 83x200cm, 2016
Bul -lip mun ja, Mixed Media, 83x200cm, 2016
Bul -lip mun ja, Mixed Media, 83x200cm, 2016
Spring, Mixed Media, 90x135cm, 2016
Summer, Mixed Media, 90x135cm, 2016
Fall, Mixed Media, 90x135cm, 2016
Winter, Mixed Media, 90x135cm, 2016
Blade of revolution, Mixed media, 120x120cm, 2013
Blade of self injury, Mixed media, 120x120cm, 2013
Blafe of sexy, Mixed media, 120x120cm, 2013
Exhibition view 2016
Exhibition view 2016
2017 Art on paper fair (New York, USA)
Art Art Gallery Singapore (Convention Center, Sinpol)
2016 'Novel Another Face' (Kyobo Art Space, Seoul)
CONTEXT new york fair (Manhattan, USA)
ART HAMPTONS (Hampton, United States)
SCOP Art Fair (Miami, USA)
The 11th solo exhibition 'Characters of Fire' (USA, San Francisco, Sandra dog horn)
2015 10th Solo Exhibition 'Characters of Fire' (Sandra Lee Gallery, San Francisco, USA)
2013 Kustaf Mahal's Monte Indoor Road (USA, San Francisco, Sandra Lee Gallery)
2012 Debussy's Moonlight (Seoul, Insa Art Center)
< Contemplation + Meditation >: Art Seoul Art Fair (Seoul, Hangaram Art Museum, Seoul)
2011 Contemplation + Meditation (France, Invited by Chan Lang)
Group Exhibition and Invitational Exhibition
2015 Special Exhibition commemorating the 110th anniversary of Korea Red Cross - Vision exhibition of Korean Contemporary Art (Busan, Ocean Earth Art Hall)
Miami Art Fair (Miami, USA)
Invitation to the 2014 Silicon Valley Art Fair (San Francisco, USA)
Basel Miami Aqua Art Fair (Miami, USA)
2013 Invited Artist of the 7th Taehwa River International Installation Art Festival (Ulsan, Taihwa River)
Participated as an invitation artist of 150 representative Korean writers of hope for the 150th anniversary of the World Red Cross
2012 Invitation to Korea Economy Newspaper < K Art Star - Festival of the United States > (Insa Art Center, Seoul) and others.
2015 Special Exhibition commemorating the 110th anniversary of Korea Red Cross - Vision exhibition of Korean Contemporary Art (Busan, Ocean Earth Art Hall)
Miami Art Fair (Miami, USA)
Invitation to the 2014 Silicon Valley Art Fair (San Francisco, USA)
Basel Miami Aqua Art Fair (Miami, USA)
2013 Invited Artist of the 7th Taehwa River International Installation Art Festival (Ulsan, Taihwa River)
Participated as an invitation artist of 150 representative Korean writers of hope for the 150th anniversary of the World Red Cross
2012 Invitation to Korea Economy Newspaper < K Art Star - Festival of the United States > (Insa Art Center, Seoul) and others.
2012 6th Taehwa River International Installation Art Festival - Citizen's Best Artist Award
2017 Art on paper fair (뉴욕, 미국)
Art atage singapore (컨벤션센타, 싱가폴)
2016 ‘소설 또다른 얼굴’ (교보아트스페이스, 서울)
CONTEXT new york fair (맨하탄, 미국)
ART HAMPTONS (햄프턴, 미국)
SCOP Art fair (마이애미, 미국)
제 11회 개인전 ‘불립문자’ (미국, 샌프란시스코, 산드라개럴리)
2015 제 10회 개인전 ‘불립문자’ (미국, 샌프란시스코, 산드라리갤러리)
2013 쿠스타프 말러의 몽유도원도 (미국, 샌프란시스코, 산드라리갤러리)
2012 드뷔시의 달빛 (서울, 인사아트센터)
< 관조+명상 >: 아트서울 아트페어 (서울, 예술의전당 한가람미술관)
2011 관조+명상 (프랑스, 샤랑통시 초청)
외 다수
2015 대한적십자사 110주년 기념 특별전-한국현대미술의 비전展 (부산, 오션어스아트홀)
마이애미 아트페어展 (미국, 마이애미)
2014 실리콘밸리아트페어 초대전(미국, 샌프란시스코)
바젤마이애미 아쿠아 아트페어(미국, 마이애미)
2013 제7회 태화강국제설치미술제 초대작가 (울산, 태화강변)
세계 적십자 150주년 기념, 한국 대표작가 150인 희망벽화 초대작가로 참여
2012 한국경제신문 초대 < K아트스타-미의 제전 > (서울, 인사아트센터)외 다수.
외 다수
2012 제6회 태화강국제설치미술제-시민이 뽑은 최우수 작가상