EDUCATION 2014 Ph.D., Institute of Calligraphy and Culture, China Normal University
SOLO EXHIBITIONS (12 times) 2017 Korea Gallery Art Festival (COEX) 2016 MANIF Seoul International Art Fair (Seoul Arts Center) 2011 China Gallery International Artist Request Exhibition (Beijing) 2010 STAR & BULE ARTIST ARTFAIR 2009 Arto ArtFait 2009 Seoul International Art Fair Korea, China and Japan "Three Kingdoms Dongju" 3 people exhibition 6 times (Seoul, Tokyo, Beijing, Xi'an, Shandong) GROUP EXHIBITIONS (200 times) 2017 Emptying and Filling (Kyobo Art Space) 2016 墨言新語 7th Exhibition (Panjin Yoha Museum) 2015 華人華僑 (Guangdong Shenzhen Convention Center) 2014 多彩亞洲 (Peking period art museum) Others
AWARDS 1991 The 6th KBS National Whisper Competition Gold Prize 2004 1st Calligraphy Culture Prize Grand Prize 2004 17th Monthly Calligraphy Exhibition Grand Prize 2016 Invitational Exhibition of Excellent Calligraphy Artists
학력 2014 중국수도사범대학 서법문화연구소 박사
레지던스 2012 Art Center of LiYin in Beijing (Heiqiao, Beijing, China) 2011 Solomon artist residency program, 서울 개인전 (12회) 2017 한국화랑미술제(코엑스) 2016 MANIF서울국제아트페어(예술의전당) 2011 중국화랑국제예술가요청전(북경) 2010 STAR&BULE ARTIST ARTFAIR 2009 Arto ArtFait 2009 서울국제아트페어 한중일 “삼국동주” 3인전 6회 (서울,동경,북경,서안,산동)
단체전 (200여회) 2017 비움과 채움(교보아트스페이스) 2016 墨言新語7인전(판진요하미술관) 2015 華人華僑 (광동선전회관중심) 2014 多彩亞洲 (북경시대미술관) 외 다수 수상 1991 제6회 KBS전국휘호대회 금상 2004 제1회 서예문화대전 대상 2004 제17회 월간서예대전 대상 2016 일중서예우수작가초대전